What is Life Science Recruitment?

Pairing Experts With Companies Looking For Their Expertise

As life science fields become more specialized, so does the need for life science professionals with equally specialized skills. For example, a company researching probiotics for specific gastrointestinal conditions isn’t going to want a general microbiologist to consult for them. Instead, they need a consultant with experience working with gut bacteria that they can contract out for the project duration. Black Diamond Networks’ life science recruiter pairs experts in their fields with companies looking for their expertise.


Professionals with specific skills are highly sought after by equally specialized companies. You’ll want to work with an industry expert to match the right skills to the right company. A general recruiter lacks industry-specific knowledge and connections to find contracting positions that look for your specific set of skills. They may not know that having PCR experience is irrelevant for a lab looking for someone with gas chromatography experience. This is why life science recruitment is necessary for individuals looking to make the most of their unique skills.


Black Diamond Networks helps life science professionals get contract work. We work with companies throughout the United States, and our job is to ensure that your skills will be a good fit. Our recruiting process is straight-forward and easy and consists of the following steps:

• Initial interview – you’ll be set up with a life science recruiter who has a deep understanding of your industry.
• Technical skills check – your recruiter will review your resume and get a more detailed picture of your skills.
• Reference check – we’ll speak with some references who can speak to your skills and expertise.
• Finding a job – once we have a clear understanding of your skill set, we can start looking for a contract position that will be a good fit.
• Interviewing with the company – once your life science recruiter has found the proper position, they will submit your resume and coordinate interviews between you and the company. If you’re offered a contracting position, we’ll also help finalize your start date, work schedule, and other needs.

Some questions we might ask you include:

• When and for what company or companies have you done this type of work?
• How many years of experience do you have working in this field? Is the expertise recent?
• Do you feel comfortable speaking on the topic and confident that you can answer specific questions?
• Could you provide managerial references from a company you did this type of work for?

This is the time to show our life science recruiter your expertise, so don’t hold back! One of the benefits of using a life science recruiter, as opposed to a general recruiter, is that you’re free to use all the technical jargon you want, and there’s no need to water down explanations of previous work experiences.


Black Diamond serves both startups and Fortune 1000 companies nationwide. As a result, we constantly have a demand for highly skilled contract professionals. These are positions that you might not find on a job search website. We also specialize in getting you consulting or contracting jobs, so you don’t have to sift through hundreds of postings for full-time employees.

Since the companies we work with know that the consultants in our network are competent, skilled, and highly effective, rehiring someone isn’t uncommon. As you near the end of your current assignment, we encourage you to reapply. We can help you avoid downtime and give hiring clients a chance to secure a top talent before you officially enter the open job market.


Black Diamond life science recruiters have a deep understanding of the industry you’re in. In other words, we speak your language. We know how time-consuming it is to search for contracting positions on your own. Let us help by connecting you with our network of life science startups and companies. Contact a Black Diamond life science recruiter today!

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