Interview Tips for the IT/Engineering Consultant

There are many articles and blogs written about how to be successful in any type of interview. I know because we’ve published and shared quite a few on our social media channels! The only problem with self-help articles like these is that they are extremely generic and don’t always relate to a specific industry or job. We’ve asked some of our Sales Representatives here at BDN for their advice to our consultants before they go in for an interview. Here is what they had to say:
  1. Always have your own resume in front of you during the interview so both you and the manager are following what is written. Often times a consultant will think they know their own experience so well that a manager will ask a specific question and they are stumped to answer with their own experience/examples because they essentially just have a momentary lapse.
  2. When being asked about your previous experiences, be sure to give specific details and don’t assume the hiring manager knows everything about your skillsets. It will be helpful to actually spell out what steps specifically you did for any job, step by step. Being able to cite specific examples of past work is imperative. (This is when having your resume in front of you will be helpful.)
  3. Be sure to have questions to ask the manager after they have conducted the interview. These questions can be about the company, the product line, the group you will be working with, etc. This show’s interest in the company and work assignment.  Even better, research the company online prior to the interview including any recent news affecting the company.  You may be able to reference this information during the interview.
  4. You will want information about the product line the team is working on and what else the company does. Always set aside time to review their website and more importantly have a conversation with your recruiter about these details and how your skill-sets fit.
  5. Always stress that you are able to contribute and work as a team member as well as work well on your own. You are never too sure if you’ll be in a group of 30 people or by yourself.
  6. Avoid talking negatively about past consulting experiences unless specifically asked to relate such experiences, and even then, be as discrete and general as possible in your description.  You don’t want the hiring manager to equate any past negative experience with how things might turn out on his job.
  7. As the interview begins to wind down, do not make the common mistake of overselling yourself. By this time, the impression is already made and there is no time for “I would be great for you because of reason XYZ”. It will be far better to make sure to provide detail in answering questions because your skills and experience will speak for themselves – technical managers do not want to be “sold”.
In the end, if you are well prepared and use these tips to prepare for your next interview you will be sure to impress the hiring manager. If you have any questions, please feel free to consult your recruiter or reach out to me at [email protected] !

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